About the SMTC & The Cresta Run


The St Moritz Tobogganing Club Ltd, with its world-wide membership, has always enjoyed a strong partnership with the town and people of St Moritz since the first Run was built in the winter of 1884/1885.

The Run and the traditions surrounding it remain constant, although the toboggans and equipment have evolved. It remains one of the last truly amateur sports. The SMTC is a private Club, founded in 1887, three years after the creation of the Cresta Run; its principal activities:

"...the conduct of races and practice on the Cresta Run and the encouragement of tobogganing generally..."

take place during the winter season in St Moritz.

What is the Cresta Run?


It is a natural ice run, built from scratch every year with snow which is then iced, as from the inception of the Run in the winter of 1884/85. It starts in St Moritz and winds its way down a narrow valley to what was the village of Cresta, but which now forms part of Celerina. It is approximately 3/4 mile (1,212m) in length with a drop of 514 feet (157m). The gradient varies from 1 in 2.8 to 1 in 8.7. The map of our Run gives you additional details.

Starting Points

There are two starting points, Top and Junction. Riders from Junction begin opposite the Clubhouse, about one-third down the Run from Top. Only experienced riders can qualify to ride from Top. The Run has 10 corners, all of which are named. The most infamous is Shuttlecock. If a rider is out of control, they risk going out at Shuttlecock, the most famous corner of the Run. Fallers at Shuttlecock automatically become members of the Shuttlecock Club and are entitled to wear a Shuttlecock tie.

Opening dates

The Cresta usually opens just before Christmas and continues for ten weeks until the end of February/early March. There are over thirty highly competitive Club races and riding takes place every day of the season, except Christmas Day.


Members are elected from applicants who have ridden on the Supplementary List, although it is also possible for non-Members to ride the Cresta. Non-Members put their names down on the Supplementary List and become temporary Members for one season as 'SL Riders' or 'SLs'. To find out more please see our Ride the Cresta Section.